Something most people give out and hope it is returned and if its not, then they think no big deal. For others, its given out only to the people who give it to them first.
I am one of those people who will show respect and hope that I will get it back. However, that's not always the case.
Its a very big issue in our humanly world. People shouldn't have to sell their soul for respect. And if more people had respect for others and themselves then it would be a lot easier for others to respect them.
Disrespect- Any one got a good definition? I do...
A few days ago, I bought an alarm clock. Seems normal right? Not at my house. It was turned into this huge deal. My sister, who I still share a room with, complained about the alarm clock being too bright. Yeah right. It's your normal, average, ten dollar clock that tells the time. Not a lamp. So, she sleeps on the couch because she claims the clock keeps her from sleeping. I said, "Fine sleep on the couch, because I think your over exaggerating."
Well, my father calls me today and says that he thinks I need to compromise. Compromise what? Get rid of the clock I just bought, which I can't return since I threw the receipt and box in the garbage? I don't think so!
There's also a story behind this. Let me explain. Sara has these Love Birds in OUR room. I hate them. You would too, if you heard the awful sound they make. Trust me everyone I know like my friends and Johnny, will tell you that the sound the birds make is high pitched and two notes away from shattering glass!! It's annoying and they make the biggest mess! A mess that Sara ignores and isn't told to clean it up. I have asked her nicely and some days when I just can't stand it anymore, I clean it up for her! Now, tell me, is that giving me respect? Is that fair or even a compromise? Would I have to sleep out on the couch in order to be heard and get something done about it? No thanks. I sleep in bed and deal with my sister's mess hoping one day she realizes what a pig sty she lives in and will eventually clean up her act.
I tried to stand up for myself and my new addition, my alarm clock. However, my dad told me not to raise my voice, which in other words means don't question authority and I knew I was going to either compromise, or give up. So, I compromised. My alarm clock is covered with plastic that has sharpie marker all over it. My brand new alarm clock has to suffer now that it's under my PARENTS house.
I refuse to give in to such disrespect, however, it won't be much longer.
I encourage everyone who reads this to write about a respect issue of their own.
Yes, I've had things like this happen before. Plenty of times. It's a big issue to me, too. When I feel disrespected I go off on everyone. Once I was giving my sister-in-law advice not to pursue a modeling job that looked REALLY shady and dangerous. Instead, she and my husband (her brother)ganged up on me about how rediculous my argument. And I was trying to protect and help her! She finally decided to take my advice but when she retold the story to her mother-in-law, she made it sound like she figured it all out by herself. She didn't give me an credit whatsoever. My husband didn't either. I was so angry. Whenever I'm in a room where light is bothering me, I try to put something in the way (like a chair) or turn the light away from my eyes because I tend to be sensitive to light and have a hard time falling asleep when it's in my eyes. Maybe try that. I'm the oldest, like you. I think I can relate to your predicament. My parents have always seemed to make unjust allowances for my younger siblings and have expected me to 'compromise' (i.e.-give in, not make a fuss) because it's just not worth the effort for them to take the time to reason it out with the fussier party. I'm guilty of doing that with my kids too. I wrote this huge, fuming blog post about that experience with my sis-in-law and husband. But my husband didn't want me to publish it. So it's not up. I still wish I could have an audience to vent about it to. I guess I do now, you. Good luck with this. Life isn't fair, especially for the oldest child in the family. I feel your pain.
too late. i already wrote a respect blong on the myspace.
I get you on that. I really don't having amazing narratives, but I do get how annoying symblings, or in my case, rommates, can be. I had this one roommate that would always use other people's stuff to cook with, without asking, and she'd totally ruin it. For some reason she never touched my stuff. Maybe because I don't let anyone walk on me.. But who knows. It was pretty amusing watching my other roommate blow up on her. I could have gotten some popcorn and made it a show:-)
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